At least 40% of the items I own are hand-me-downs, and I love it. In Boston, there is something called “Allston Christmas.” This refers to […]
15 posts
If you don’t want to, or can’t, go out, it’s only polite to offer up a reason. Between school, work, and half-baked brunch plans, we’ve […]
Troubleshooting doesn’t have to be scary. Having issues with your phone? Dishwasher? Intern? Never fear – I have the solution. Follow these steps exactly and I […]
soap·box: ˈsōpˌbäks/ noun a box or crate used as a makeshift stand by a public speaker. The action of getting up on one’s soapbox (to soapbox [v.]) is someone […]
When your joke falls flat, your reaction will determine how well you sleep that night. I get it; I am the queen of both impulsive […]
If the human legal idiom is “possession is nine tenths of the law,” then the cat law equivalent is “if in doubt, sitting on it […]